The Annunciation

Einsendung in der Kategorie Malerei  

Kategorie: Malerei  
Genre/Technik: Oil and Charcoal on Linen
Technik: Oil and Charcoal on Linen
Größe: 150 x 285 cm

Künstler: Natacha Martins

The Annunciation (2019) reacts and recreates, contemporarily, the celebration of the announcement by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and become the mother of Jesus. Through Catholic iconography metaphors, the work pursues the visual experience of transmitting a message. This billboard-format painting installation, is the outcome of a series called Studies for the Annunciation (2019). The compositional narratives present an ambitious and onirical figures, rather than the classical representations of the sacred biblical characters. Based on intimacy and distortion, the artist elaborates an unsettling and critical narrative that reflects the human condition of individuality and nomadism. The Annunciation , the largest painting the Portuguese-born artist had created, was made under an art residency context, in the International Art Program of Pilotenkueche in Leipzig, Germany It’s claimed that the idea of ‘the announcement’ was suggested by her arrival to the german city, and the starting point of her career as an emerging artist. The linen is installed upon the conventional canvas structure. Nailed in the interior corners of the painting, the white frame is sacralized as the metaphor for communicational basic structure.

The Annunciation
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